Men's leather Jacket

Saturday, August 29, 2015

What shall soon befall the Earth

Those who have shun from the teaching and ministry will panic, and try to get to where the gospel is preached, but they will fail to hear it. Many will run to and fro in every direction looking for the knowledge of the word, but they will remain hungry.  Sound doctrine will be outlawed, the saints will go into hiding, in the caves, in the mountains, and in the valleys; many will be persecuted for the sake of the gospel, many will fall to pestilence, hunger, starvation and war. The evil one will move in the churches and set up his own, many will pursue him; many lukewarm Christians will follow pursuit of his evil ways. This will become a one world religion; all faiths will follow this order, and adhere to his rules.  The laws will be changed, for what is right will then be wrong, and what is wrong will be right.  The government of the world will unite and form one branch, one government, one world order.
       The rapture of the church will happen sooner than what people would expect, many will vanish off the face of the earth, many will be caught off guard, many will run and search for hiding places, many will riot in the streets, with their eyes set on looting.  Many will loot, spoil, riot, and plunder in the streets. Chaos will be everywhere; lawlessness will be all over the world.  Marshall Law will go into effect; concentration camps will be in place, in every country, city and state.  The control of the free will of many will be drastic, for many will succumb to the will of machine, and the machine will be the will of the beast. The great beast will impose his mark on the people, they will have a choice to accept his will or face death by beheading, severe persecutions and slaughter. The stars will fall from the heavens and will plunder the earth with fear, torment, anxiety, panic and rage. Unseen forces will be rampant on the earth, the hand of God will be lifted from the earth and mankind will have to defend for his or her self, war will be fought in every direction of the compass. Raging seas will roar for havoc, the sea will roar wildly, many in the sea will fall, many will drown, many will be  turned into shame, and horror;  like one sleeping in a dream and can’t awake;   evil will be rampant,  it will be reality and as real as any horror movie.  The world will face a great shortage of water, and food, the harvest that the world has faced for centuries, decades, years, months, and days   will be over, for many will fight for food, many will rob for food, many will kill for food and drink, yet many will search their own commodes for water, they will dig for water, they will beg for water and food, and it will be hard to get into their possessions.   
       The sun will grow very dim, darkness will engulf the whole world, and the moon will appear as blood and cause changes in the earth.  The magnetic pull of the moon will affect the earth greatly; many signs will be in the heaven and on earth. Then, when they say it is peace and safety, then destruction will come swiftly, and there will be no escape and no safe place to hide; you have to be sealed by the Father.  Many will fall through sickness, many will fall by disease, many will fall by pestilence, and strange disease will be such as like never before. The UNITED States will be shaken, a great earth quake will shake and this country and many cities will face destruction, great destruction. This will be due to terrorist who will bomb many power plants around the country.    The mountains will be moved out of their place, many will run to the mountains and the mountains will not cover them, many will be begging to die and will not be able to die.
      Fire will fall from the heavens, flames of fire, rocks of fire, masses of fire will so fall, and many will try to take shelter only to be engulfed by the fires. Many will be tried by fire, and to test their faith, they will be given a choice and this choice will be a matter of life and death.  So few are prepared to face what will befall this world, this world is dying every day.  Depression is already overtaking many at this moment, the pressures of life, the difficulties and hardship that weights so heavily on the hearts and minds of people.  The economy will collapse, the stock market will fall, and the dollar will fail.  Many will fall away from the faith,   so many will run from the truth.  The great awakening will appear all over the world, the great grace of God will light up the world, a great revival and harvest of souls will happen for a short time and then cease.  The great out- pouring of the spirit of God will be all over the world, great signs and wonders will be performed by God through his children. 
       After this happens, the evil will be let loose, he will come with rage and will move quickly and will deceive so many. The spirit of the beast is already at work in the heart of many.  Those who will be having a good time, laughing, socializing, drinking and dancing will be in for a rude awakening.  Those who reject the gospel and our Lord Jesus Christ will face condemnation at his appearing.   Evil will abound more and more, great wickedness will fill the hearts of mankind, evil will be rampant, and the love of man will wax cold. Great deception will be everywhere, many will be deceived, many will be led astray, the world will be in mass deception, false prophets will be everywhere, and the false Messiah will walk the earth to deceive many.
         Many will reject the truth, many will walk away from the truth, many will mock the gospel, and many will turn their faces to the truth and will be led astray.  Great tribulation will be everywhere on the face of the earth, the church will face great persecution; many will face death, beheading, torments, and distress for their faith.  They will wail, they will lament, and they will weep for what they will face at the hands of the beast.  Fear untold, misery unheard, horror unimagined or perceived in the hearts of mankind will be reality. These are warnings; these are to warn the world of what it is heading toward not so far ahead in the future, but in a very short time.  1/3 of the fish in the sea will die, 1/3 part of the sea will become blood, and 1/3 part of the sun will become darkened.  Fearful signs will be in the sky, many will be perplex of what will be befalling on the earth.           
           Many will run in every direction to try to escape the troubled times, they will run into one calamity after another, one horror after another, one nightmare after another.  Run for your life, find shelter only in the bosom of the Lord, accept his saving grace, salvation is near, yet it is free, Christ paid the price for us, he died for all of us.  There will not be a place for anyone to hide, you will not be able to outrun the beast, forces will cover the earth, and forces of evil will be very evasive to many.  Do not take the mark, no even if it call for your life, do not accept what the government has to offer you, you will not be able to buy or sell without the mark, but trust in the Lord with all your heart.  Run for your life, run like never before, have faith that the Lord will come immediately after the tribulation.  There will be a shaking of the earth and the heavens like never before since the creation. 

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