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Sunday, August 9, 2015

Receive the word now or later

He that rejecteth me and receieth not my words, hath one that judgeth him: the words that I have spoken, the same shall judge him in the last day. (St. John 12:48)
These words spoken by Jesus are an indication that we can choose to receive his words now and be  rewarded later, or we can reject or ignore  it now and be rewarded later.  Either way, we can’t get around not hearing it altogether, we’re going to hear it and answer for not receiving his words. Truly his words are life  and spirit; it is like a two edge sword which can cut asunder those secret intents of the heart. Many have heard the word and received it with gladness and became converted by the conviction of the Holy Ghost, also, many have rejected it and became hardened by the deceitfulness of sin and are therefore on the last day, will be castaways. Why? because they have rejected the truth of the gospel, they have called the testimony that God gave about his son a lie. Since the gospel of Jesus Christ is truth and has the power to change lives once it is heard, it is regarded as the only source of hidden truth. It is preached on television, on the Internet, on the pulpit, on radio, on the streets, and just about any place where people are placed in society. It is called the good news to those seeking for eternal life, it is good news because it gives us a hope that is sure and also conditional upon obedience to it. It is rejected by unbelievers as truth, it is rejected by other religions as the only truth.  If it is revealed to the unbelievers as truth and they receive it, then they can obtain eternal life by accepting Christ as Lord and Savior.  We have heard it said, ‘what comes around goes around’, well this is a true saying, the gospel comes around, many will hear it, the gospel goes around and many will reject it. Nevertheless, it will come back again to those who have rejected it. Sadly, there won’t be any excuses on that day, Jesus died and did away with any leaning poles.  Certainly they will still make up excuses, ‘well Lord you know I didn’t know that you was really real’ really, are you serious! The words will come back to them from the source that delivered the message to them in the first place. The exact day, hour, minute and second.  God has a record of every thing we’ve done in this life, so who can hide behind any excuses? Receive the engrafted word which is able to save your souls.

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