Christianity is not just a religion
Elder Curtis Shelton
Definition of Christian: The religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, Catholic, and Protestant bodies. (Merriam Webster, Dictionary.)
Despite Webster’s definition of the term Christian, many believe that being call this adjective is the true definition of living a godly lifestyle. There are many classifications of Christianity, and many variations and walks by professed Christians; however, it is not all who call themselves Christians are truly Christ like. There is a difference between Christianity and religion, and the facts are hereby outlined as follows:
Christianity, the name Christian was given to the apostles by pagans at Antioch.
And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26)
This term Christian was given to the apostles by man and not by God, so therefore, it is not considered a true term that would describe a true follower of Christ; and yet it is used to this day because of tradition.
Religion: A personal set of institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices. (Merriam Webster, dictionary)
The term religion covers all religions of the world and should not be associated with the walk of true Disciples of Christ.
Now what is true religion in a sense that we can associate with? True religion is not offering up idols or burning incense. Neither is it a matter of endless chants with many vain repetitions, or praying to lifeless walls, idols, or senseless meditations in specific positions, no this is not true or pure religion.
Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27) this is true religion that is required by God according to his word. It is not to be considered as any religious act or ceremony of any sense.
Followers of Christ are called first, Apostles, secondly, pastors, thirdly teachers, disciples, elect, servants and so on; they are never called Christians not even by Jesus. There are people that are called Christians in name only who are not truly Christians or followers of Christ. Name only, signifying that they take on the name Christian without a true relationship with Christ but have taken on this term for the sake of being called a Christian. Name only also says that these so-called Christians may live contrary to the true teaching of scripture; they may profess to know him but deny him by their lifestyles. These Christians are, church goers, they are not living up to the standards of godly living outlined in the scriptures. These Christians smoke occasionally, drink in excess; attend night clubs regularly, fornicate, lie, steal, manipulate, and slander and some more. Yes they call themselves Christians for the sake of being called that to make themselves feel like they are accepted into the house of God. They just don’t know or haven’t been taught how to live godly the right way, we can’t blame them for being without knowledge can we? We can’t judge them, but we can show them love in order to draw them in.
If my people which are called by my name, shall humbled themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn away from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land. (2nd Chronicles 7:14)
If God’s people which are called by the name of Jesus Christ, mot by simply being called Christian but by Christ’s name, throw away their pride with sincere repentance, make a complete turnaround from the way they are living;, seek his face daily in prayer, he promises to hear from heaven and will forgive their sin. This is conditional upon rightful repentance from the lifestyle that they are living, that he will do as he said he will do accordingly.
Now, there is a difference between being a disciple of Christ and being religious. A true disciple of Christ doesn’t thirst after fame, fortune or prestige, or engage in worldly activities such as night clubs or bars. He doesn’t gamble, smoke, drink in excess, or lives a sexually pernicious lifestyle, the husband of one wife or the wife of one husband. Servant hood or the price of being a follower of Christ comes with responsibility and accountability. Being called a Christian doesn’t necessarily earn entrance into heaven; otherwise all lukewarm Christians would enter in. These Christian do not have the spirit of Christ, or if they do they don’t have the knowledge of the truth to escape this world. Have they humbled themselves in true repentance, have they turned from the lifestyle that they’re living with godly sorrow? These so-called christen will suffer the consequence of being spewed out the mouth of Christ on that day if left unchanged.
Furthermore, they are not in fellowship with God by a long shot, they are not called by his name but are in name only, professing to know God but in every way un-repentant.
I have assumed that the same manner of living was just ok in the eyes of God, in a sense; I myself have professed to be a Christian, going to the night clubs, gambling, lying and so on. Nevertheless, I have gained an insight of the truths of God’s word and made a complete turnaround. There are many that are professing to be Christians but their lifestyles tell a different story. For example, many are posing nude, especially on porn sights, some are on various dating sights with a whole album of pornography. But the question is always directed asking them, “What is your religion”? And they will always say, “I’m a Christian!” I have heard some folks on face book trying to manipulate me into thinking that they have a deceased loved one that died and they've inherited so many millions of dollars.
The trick is, they want to use your bank account to make the deposit. An old trick but with new tactics. But their salutation is always, "I'm a good Christian and I love God!"
For the sake of tradition, we will find that the average Christian in name only attends church on special occasions like, Easter Sunday, good Friday, and so on. It is time to let go of the traditions of man, it is time to practice what we’re professing to be, lest at that day, when the master examines our lifestyle and character, that in the end he may not profess that he never knew us.
Let us stop professing,”I’m a Christian!” until we have learned what is really takes to be a true disciple or follower of Christ. It is easier to say what we are, but it is harder to live what we profess.
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