Men's leather Jacket

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

If Trump does this to the illegals

If Trump does it to the illegals

Donald Trump makes headlines once again, but this time with a more harsh and stern approach to illegal immigrants. Trump, the Republican presidential candidate issued this statement saying, "We will work with them, but they have to go", Trump added referring to the millions of illegal immigrants that are in this country illegally. He leads the polls by a far wide margin and is a threat even to Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush. If Trump does this to illegal immigrants, what about the other minorities if he's elected president.? We don't know what other intentions this presidential hopeful has in mind, needless to say, he will change the books in our Judicial system, he may even overturn the Iran agreement, he may even set his heart to make it hard for other minorities that are at stake. does he have the advantage, yes he does, does he have the vote in the Republican primary? needless to say the lease, look at the numbers in the red states; the numbers tell the whole story. We don't know the outcome yet, it is still yet too early; but the numbers in the red tells the story and evidently the outcome even this early. We know that he won't have the Latino or Hispanic vote, but at this point, it really doesn't matter right now, he has the lead; and if he continues to lead this way, I think that all the illegal immigrants better pack their bags and get an early ticket on the Mega bus for sure. Are you registered to vote? but if not you know what to d in the mean time; and while it is yet too early now, time waits for no one. 

The Poor Wise Man

The poor wise man
Curtis Shelton
Ecclesiastes 9:13-16
13. This wisdom have I seen also under the sun and it seemed great unto me:
14. There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it:
15. Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.
16. Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.

Now consider this little city that is mentioned here; consequently, this city is indeed little but, it has a few men dwelling within it. Think of all the great cities in this country like, Atlanta, Los Vegas, New Orleans, New York, Memphis, and so on.   These cities have a lot of men dwelling within them, but are these men heeding the cries from the streets? Their cries go out on the corner, on the pulpits, on the radio, on the internet, by word of mouth and so on.
Who will give heed to the voices that cry out daily, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand” who has given heed to the voices that cried out  just recently concerning the rapture and the coming judgment. Many have taken the cries from the doomsday prophets as a joke, many men have turned their head, many have stomped

Their ears from hearing the messages from the voices of those who then feared and took their messages throughout the world.   Surely, if you would have ears to hear, this little city is the church, and it has just a few men within it.  You would ask yourself, “Where are all the men these days”? They are in the clubs, they are in the prison system, they are chasing the women, they are strung out on drugs, they are homeless, and they are in the hospitals, in rehab, unemployed, in mental institutions, wondering in the streets trying to panhandle just to get by. And yes, this great king has besieged this little city, he has put strongholds around it, he is  attacking it on a daily basis, he has some bound up with poverty, he has some burdened with debt, he has some bound by their jobs so that they can’t break this stronghold. And as long as this little city is besieged by this great king, it is in a difficult position to reach out to the few men within its borders.
Who will be willing to break down this bulwark that the enemy has placed around the little city? Jesus our warrior is the one who will break down this fortification against his church; even so, he will tear it down and break it into pieces.  But he is looking for able body men who will be willing to be his voice. Who will be bold enough to cry out to the men in bondage and bring them back to the city where they belong? Shall we lure them with the message of prosperity or shall we lure them with a message of hope?  Satan, the enemy has taken away their hope, they do not see a future, they think that hope is what they can see, so if
They can’t see hope, they wonder off into oblivion and despair. For hope that is seen is not hope, how can you hope for what you already see?    
We want to introduce to them the real hope. They can’t see Jesus, but they can see you, are you the ones to offer them hope? You are ones the light of the world, they need to see your light, they need to see your Love, they need to see your concern.  They know about the many mega churches today, they know about the leer jets that the preachers possess, they know about the fancy mansions, the expensive cars the pastors have.  But do they know about the love of giving and reaching out to them in these times of need?  Now in this little city is a poor wise man who delivered the city from this great king.  Not many have remembered this poor wise man, yet it was by his wisdom that the city was delivered. Not many are listening to the poor wise man, his voice is taken for granted, his voice is very seldom heeded, but his voice is uttered daily.
“Come unto me” the voice of the poor man utters.   Yet again he says:  “give me all of your heart, take my yoke upon you, seek and you shall find”. Oh, this poor wise man has an abundance of wisdom, he has all the answers to your problems in life; he will comfort you, he will be your helper if you let him.
Surely, some little cities have not been delivered yet. Obviously they have not consulted with the poor wise man, in the same manner; they have not even let him in their services.  Yes, they are the ones who just preach and go; yes, they preach to the lost and go their way.  They carefully observe the time on the wall; O’ old man time has no time to waste.  Why are they looking at old man time? His job is to keep on moving, keep on ticking all his time away.   Just consider the poor wise man and all the churches he has delivered, they were delivered from this great king.  It was not by might, nor by power, so says the scripture.
We have seen some set free, we have seen some delivered from all manner of alcoholism, we have seen some delivered from drugs, and we have even seen some delivered from homosexuality and lesbianism.  Sadly, some are not heeding his voice; some do not trust his wisdom but their own ways.
Rise up young men from the bondage of drugs and alcohol,
You have been taken captive and bound by your own desires, the taste of something that you don’t really need; and what you really need, that you have turned away as foolishness. For over four-hundred years we have been in bondage, bound by slavery and hostility and treated like common animals.  We are being turned away for past failures, yes, and even by the tone of our skin color. We shouldn’t let these distractions deter us. We sometimes fall but we always get back up and stare adversity in the face and say, “We are strong, we are young, we are warriors, we are conquerors.”
Some of you, of which you don’t even realize who it is that, causes you to stumble, who has crippled your morals and has taken you down the road of adversity and failure. And yet, where there is a step to failure, there is always a path to success that is being offered you by the poor wise man.  If you have ears to hear, and eyes to see, his words are wisdom and his ways is understanding. That ole great king that has kept you in bondage appears in many shapes and forms, he is a deceiver and a great liar. If you will be intent to heed his ways, you will fail and slip into oblivion.

Rise up and hear, rise up and take heed, rise up and be the men God intended for you to be, rise up and be accounted for, rise up and war against this great king who has taken your cities captive and placed you children in bondage. Be firmed, take a stand, girdle up yourself, take shields and bucklers, fight like men or perish like fools. You were made to conquer, you were born to take territories, regions, and boundaries, but the enemy has blindsided you and left you to wonder in grief and in a state of delusion and despair. Give him back his drugs, his alcohol, his life of crimes and hardship; let the poor wise man serve him his eviction notice and consider him vacated from your inner premises.
Let this be a lesson to all the faithful ones who are reading, we are the ones considered overcomes, and we are the voices in the wilderness; we are the ones who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

©2015 by elder Shelton  

The Poor Wide Man

                                                    The poor wise man
                                                       Curtis Shelton
Ecclesiastes 9:13-16
13. This wisdom have I seen also under the sun and it seemed great unto me:
14. There was a little city, and few men within it; and there came a great king against it, and besieged it, and built great bulwarks against it:
15. Now there was found in it a poor wise man, and he by his wisdom delivered the city; yet no man remembered that same poor man.
16. Then said I, Wisdom is better than strength: nevertheless the poor man's wisdom is despised, and his words are not heard.

Now consider this little city that is mentioned here; consequently, this city is indeed little but, it has a few men dwelling within it. Think of all the great cities in this country like, Atlanta, Los Vegas, New Orleans, New York, Memphis, and so on.   These cities have a lot of men dwelling within them, but are these men heeding the cries from the streets? Their cries go out on the corner, on the pulpits, on the radio, on the internet, by word of mouth and so on.
Who will give heed to the voices that cry out daily, “Repent, for the kingdom of God is at hand” who has given heed to the voices that cried out  just recently concerning the rapture and the coming judgment. Many have taken the cries from the doomsday prophets as a joke, many men have turned their head, many have stomped

Their ears from hearing the messages from the voices of those who then feared and took their messages throughout the world.   Surely, if you would have ears to hear, this little city is the church, and it has just a few men within it.  You would ask yourself, “Where are all the men these days”? They are in the clubs, they are in the prison system, they are chasing the women, they are strung out on drugs, they are homeless, and they are in the hospitals, in rehab, unemployed, in mental institutions, wondering in the streets trying to panhandle just to get by. And yes, this great king has besieged this little city, he has put strongholds around it, he is  attacking it on a daily basis, he has some bound up with poverty, he has some burdened with debt, he has some bound by their jobs so that they can’t break this stronghold. And as long as this little city is besieged by this great king, it is in a difficult position to reach out to the few men within its borders.
Who will be willing to break down this bulwark that the enemy has placed around the little city? Jesus our warrior is the one who will break down this fortification against his church; even so, he will tear it down and break it into pieces.  But he is looking for able body men who will be willing to be his voice. Who will be bold enough to cry out to the men in bondage and bring them back to the city where they belong? Shall we lure them with the message of prosperity or shall we lure them with a message of hope?  Satan, the enemy has taken away their hope, they do not see a future, they think that hope is what they can see, so if
They can’t see hope, they wonder off into oblivion and despair. For hope that is seen is not hope, how can you hope for what you already see?    
We want to introduce to them the real hope. They can’t see Jesus, but they can see you, are you the ones to offer them hope? You are ones the light of the world, they need to see your light, they need to see your Love, they need to see your concern.  They know about the many mega churches today, they know about the leer jets that the preachers possess, they know about the fancy mansions, the expensive cars the pastors have.  But do they know about the love of giving and reaching out to them in these times of need?  Now in this little city is a poor wise man who delivered the city from this great king.  Not many have remembered this poor wise man, yet it was by his wisdom that the city was delivered. Not many are listening to the poor wise man, his voice is taken for granted, his voice is very seldom heeded, but his voice is uttered daily.
“Come unto me” the voice of the poor man utters.   Yet again he says:  “give me all of your heart, take my yoke upon you, seek and you shall find”. Oh, this poor wise man has an abundance of wisdom, he has all the answers to your problems in life; he will comfort you, he will be your helper if you let him.
Surely, some little cities have not been delivered yet. Obviously they have not consulted with the poor wise man, in the same manner; they have not even let him in their services.  Yes, they are the ones who just preach and go; yes, they preach to the lost and go their way.  They carefully observe the time on the wall; O’ old man time has no time to waste.  Why are they looking at old man time? His job is to keep on moving, keep on ticking all his time away.   Just consider the poor wise man and all the churches he has delivered, they were delivered from this great king.  It was not by might, nor by power, so says the scripture.
We have seen some set free, we have seen some delivered from all manner of alcoholism, we have seen some delivered from drugs, and we have even seen some delivered from homosexuality and lesbianism.  Sadly, some are not heeding his voice; some do not trust his wisdom but their own ways.
Rise up young men from the bondage of drugs and alcohol,
You have been taken captive and bound by your own desires, the taste of something that you don’t really need; and what you really need, that you have turned away as foolishness. For over four-hundred years we have been in bondage, bound by slavery and hostility and treated like common animals.  We are being turned away for past failures, yes, and even by the tone of our skin color. We shouldn’t let these distractions deter us. We sometimes fall but we always get back up and stare adversity in the face and say, “We are strong, we are young, we are warriors, we are conquerors.”
Some of you, of which you don’t even realize who it is that, causes you to stumble, who has crippled your morals and has taken you down the road of adversity and failure. And yet, where there is a step to failure, there is always a path to success that is being offered you by the poor wise man.  If you have ears to hear, and eyes to see, his words are wisdom and his ways is understanding. That ole great king that has kept you in bondage appears in many shapes and forms, he is a deceiver and a great liar. If you will be intent to heed his ways, you will fail and slip into oblivion.

Rise up and hear, rise up and take heed, rise up and be the men God intended for you to be, rise up and be accounted for, rise up and war against this great king who has taken your cities captive and placed you children in bondage. Be firmed, take a stand, girdle up yourself, take shields and bucklers, fight like men or perish like fools. You were made to conquer, you were born to take territories, regions, and boundaries, but the enemy has blindsided you and left you to wonder in grief and in a state of delusion and despair. Give him back his drugs, his alcohol, his life of crimes and hardship; let the poor wise man serve him his eviction notice and consider him vacated from your inner premises.
Let this be a lesson to all the faithful ones who are reading, we are the ones considered overcomes, and we are the voices in the wilderness; we are the ones who have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.

©2015 by elder Shelton

The bridegroom comes.

                                                                     The Bridegroom comes
Matthew 25:6
And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
Will the Bridegroom come before the bride is ready?
 The bride will surely be ready when the Bridegroom comes for her.  We are nearing the midnight hour, and we are hearing the voice of the Bridegroom saying, come up hither.  The Bride is dressed up in pure white robes, she has made herself clean and pure, she has separated herself from the pollution of the world, she has sold all of her earthly possessions, her mind is not concerned with the affairs of this life, she has given up all doubt and worry, her mind is not centered on material gain and selfishness.  The Bride may not know the day or hour, but she is not in the dark concerning his return because  she is patiently waiting, the Bridesmaids are waiting and prepared, the music is ready to be played, the trumpets are ready to be blown, the table is already prepared with the finest of bread and wine.  Oh are you coming to the marriage feast of the lamp? You are cordially invited, there are many invitations given out to attend, yes there is still so much room, there are so many robes available, so much food already ready and prepared for you. You that have lamps, there is plenty of oil to fill your lamps, don’t you see that it is getting very dark, soon the darkness will arrive, soon you may not have enough oil to keep your lamps burning, but the wise virgins will have enough oil to trim their lamps and keep them burning; it is midnight, so when they trim their lamps, their lamps will become brighter. Oh, those foolish virgins, sad for them, their lamps will go out, and when they go to trim their lamps, their lamps will get dimmer and dimmer and dimmer. Soon it will be too late for them to get oil from the wise virgins, soon the door will be shut, and they will began to say, Lord, open up to us. Oh, they will hear these words, “I NEVER KNEW YOU.”  Yes, there is so little time left, there is so much to learn and to understand, there is a treasure trove of knowledge in the word, there are  so many pastors, teachers, evangelist, Bishops and prophets already to show you the way, ready to teach you the words of knowledge and wisdom, but so many would rather go out to the clubs instead of bible study, so many would rather stay at home and watch TV instead of going to bible studies, so many are following after dreams, visions, prophesy and wanting to hear end times messages.

There are so many Pastors even on the streets passing out invitations to teach you the good word of life, but many are refusing their invitations. Will you miss out on the call; will you miss out on the opportunities presented to you? Oh, you fail to realize how little time you have left, soon the trumpets will sound, soon the angels will come and gather the faithful to their eternal bliss, and soon the darkness will overcome the world. The pastors are sad, the teachers are grieved because they can only get a hand full of lambs in their sheepfolds, and they are grieved because they can only get a few lambs into their flocks.  The Shepherd is disappointed because there are only a few that are faithful, do you hear his constant plea? Are you not at all concerned about your souls? Many warnings are sent out through the airwaves, the Internet, TV, on the streets. Yeah, they were saying that the rapture is coming, but when it did not come they relented and were disappointed.  This they have failed to realize that the rapture is indeed imminent, but it will pass you by if you are not prepared, watching and waiting, having your garments dip in the blood of the lamb. You that are alive may not know the day or the hour, but you will know the season because you are ready for the Bridegroom.  Will the Bridegroom keep his bride in the dark and catch her by surprise? They are even sending out more invitations before the midnight hour, he will not continue to tarry; he will not continue to delay. Look around and see the signs, see all the distractions that is happening now, soon you will witness greater destruction, soon you will witness greater despair, soon it will be too late, soon they will beat their breast in the streets. The warnings are being sent out, the message is very clear even a child can understand the message. You have to realize that if darkness is in you, than God cannot be in you, and if  you  are in Christ then there can be no way Christ is in you if there is darkness, God is light and in him is no darkness.
But the path of the just isas the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day (Proverbs 4:18)
The path of the righteous is a path that shines in them when more of the anointing and word is increased, and when it is full then they are already shinning unto the perfect day which is the rapture. They have to continue shinning until that day arrives. See that no darkness is in you lest you be caught like a thief.
I John 1:5-7
5.  This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all.
6.  If we say that we have fellowship with him, and walk in darkness, we lie, and do not the truth:

        7.  But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin.

© 2015 by Curtis Shelton

Christianity is not a religion

    Christianity is not just a religion
             Elder Curtis Shelton
Definition of Christian: The religion derived from Jesus Christ, based on the bible as sacred scripture, and professed by Eastern, Roman Catholic, Catholic, and Protestant bodies. (Merriam Webster, Dictionary.)
Despite Webster’s definition of the term Christian, many believe that being call this adjective is the true definition of living a godly lifestyle. There are many classifications of Christianity, and many variations and walks by professed Christians; however, it is not all who call themselves Christians are truly Christ like.  There is a difference between Christianity and religion, and the facts are hereby outlined as follows:
Christianity, the name Christian was given to the apostles by pagans at Antioch.
And when he had found him, he brought him unto Antioch. And it came to pass, that a whole year they assembled themselves with the church, and taught much people. And the disciples were called Christians first in Antioch. (Acts 11:26)
This term Christian was given to the apostles by man and not by God, so therefore, it is not considered a true term that would describe a true follower of Christ; and yet it is used to this day because of tradition.
Religion: A personal set of institutionalized system of religious attitudes, beliefs and practices. (Merriam Webster, dictionary)
The term religion covers all religions of the world and should not be associated with the walk of true Disciples of Christ.
Now what is true religion in a sense that we can associate with? True religion is not offering up idols or burning incense. Neither is it a matter of endless chants with many vain repetitions, or praying to lifeless walls, idols, or senseless meditations in specific positions, no this is not true or pure religion.
        Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, to visit the fatherless and widows in their afflictions, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. (James 1:27) this is true religion that is required by God according to his word.  It is not to be considered as any religious act or ceremony of any sense.
Followers of Christ are called first, Apostles, secondly, pastors, thirdly teachers, disciples, elect, servants and so on; they are never called Christians not even by Jesus. There are people that are called Christians in name only who are not truly Christians or followers of Christ. Name only, signifying that they take on the name Christian without a true relationship with Christ but have taken on this term for the sake of being called a Christian.  Name only also says that these so-called Christians may live contrary to the true teaching of scripture; they may profess to know him but deny him by their lifestyles. These Christians are, church goers, they are not living up to the standards of godly living outlined in the scriptures. These Christians smoke occasionally, drink in excess; attend night clubs regularly, fornicate, lie, steal, manipulate, and slander and some more. Yes they call themselves Christians for the sake of being called that to make themselves feel like they are accepted into the house of God. They just don’t know or haven’t been taught how to live godly the right way, we can’t blame them for being without knowledge can we? We can’t judge them, but we can show them love in order to draw them in.
        If my people which are called by my name, shall humbled themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn away from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land.  (2nd Chronicles 7:14)
If God’s people which are called by the name of Jesus Christ, mot by simply being called Christian but by Christ’s name, throw away their pride with sincere repentance, make a complete turnaround from the way they are living;, seek his face daily in prayer, he promises to hear from heaven and will forgive their sin. This is conditional upon rightful repentance from the lifestyle that they are living, that he will do as he said he will do accordingly.
Now, there is a difference between being a disciple of Christ and being religious. A true disciple of Christ doesn’t thirst after fame, fortune or prestige, or engage in worldly activities such as night clubs or bars. He doesn’t gamble, smoke, drink in excess, or lives a sexually pernicious lifestyle, the husband of one wife or the wife of one husband. Servant hood or the price of being a follower of Christ comes with responsibility and accountability. Being called a Christian doesn’t necessarily earn entrance into heaven; otherwise all lukewarm Christians would enter in. These Christian do not have the spirit of Christ, or if they do they don’t have the knowledge of the truth to escape this world. Have they humbled themselves in true repentance, have they turned from the lifestyle that they’re living with godly sorrow? These so-called christen will suffer the consequence of being spewed out the mouth of Christ on that day if left unchanged.
Furthermore, they are not in fellowship with God by a long shot, they are not called by his name but are in name only, professing to know God but in every way un-repentant.
I have assumed that the same manner of living was just ok in the eyes of God, in a sense; I myself have professed to be a Christian, going to the night clubs, gambling, lying and so on. Nevertheless, I have gained an insight of the truths of God’s word and made a complete turnaround. There are many that are professing to be Christians but their lifestyles tell a different story. For example, many are posing nude, especially on porn sights, some are on various dating sights with a whole album of pornography.  But the question is always directed asking them, “What is your religion”? And they will always say, “I’m a Christian!”  I have heard some folks on face book trying to manipulate me into thinking  that they have a deceased loved one that died and they've inherited so many millions of dollars.
The trick is, they want to use your bank account to make the deposit.  An old trick but with new tactics. But their salutation is always, "I'm a good Christian and I love God!" 
        For the sake of tradition, we will find that the average Christian in name only attends church on special occasions like, Easter Sunday, good Friday, and so on. It is time to let go of the traditions of man, it is time to practice what we’re professing to be, lest at that day, when the master examines our lifestyle and character, that in the end he may not profess that he never knew us.
        Let us stop professing,”I’m a Christian!” until we have learned what is really takes to be a true disciple or follower of Christ. It is easier to say what we are, but it is harder to live what we profess.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Overcoming the beast nature

Overcoming the beast nature

The nature of the beast or the Adamic nature was passed down from Adam to all of mankind except the one who was born of a virgin that is the Son of man who did not have an earthly father.

So many pastors, deacons, evangelist, and bishops fall because of that Adamic nature they were born with. Why is that? Mainly because the word never got rooted enough to crucify that sinful nature; The sin that’s in the heart was there before the foundation of the world, it is dormant until temptations or trials come and therefore activates it and it manifests itself as transgression. Satan is already at work in the heart, but he can’t do any more than what you or the Lord let him.  No one is exempt from temptations, the trials in life will cause the iniquity within to come out and manifest its deeds. God saw it in us before he made us; he saw beforehand what’s in all of us, and what he needs to do to get it to come out.  This job is reserve for the devil, the tempter to test us and disturb the sin nature that is the beast nature. The beast is in our nature; Adam is the blame for us having that nature to sin. Satan knew that if he could deceive the woman first and she in return would seduce the man, he would get into the human race and breed a race of his nature.  Adam’s perfect nature was changed into an imperfect sinful beast nature. Satan has gained access into man; however Jesus came that the Prince of this world be cast out of man.

St. John 12:31

31 Now is the judgment of this world: now shall the prince of this world be cast out.

I John 3:8

He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.

What this is telling us is that when we commit sin we are acting out of our beast nature, do to what? To commit sin, Sin is of the devil, and the devil commited sin in the beginning, this is the beginning of the nature of sin which was passed on to Adam from his fall. Jesus came to destroy the works of the sin nature through his blood sacrifice.

When Satan entered man so did his sinful beast nature, as a result, the human race have begun acting out of this nature.  The beast is in us, it is our nature to sin, so we act out of what is already in our nature that is to constantly sin and disobey God. The Jews who in the beginning had the law and the commandments, their nature was changed through their bloodline, the bloodline of those who lived according to the righteousness of the law.


I timothy 2:14-15

14 For Adam was first formed, then Eve.

15 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression.

Although the women are considered the weaker vessels; however, they are able to obey God more than men in the body of Christ. How many women servants have we seen fall due to the beast nature? The Christian man has more of the beast nature than the Christian woman do.

Adam was first formed and given the knowledge and dominion over the earth, but Adam was not deceived, so Eve was the one deceived and fell in transgression.

The root of a tree goes down very deep, the tap root that is.  The root is the foundation of a tree, and if the tree should fall or is chop down, the root is still deep down and it can’t so easily be rooted out of the ground. The same principle applies with the word of God, if it gets down deep enough in the heart, it will make us free from sin.

I John 3:8

 8 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.

I Peter 1:23


23 Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.

Because we are born with a sinful nature, without Christ we cannot’ be fashioned into the nature of him.  In this case, so many people profess that they go to church, they have been baptized, they don’t drink or smoke, I’m a good person, and they don’t do this or that.  The truth is, they are still evil in God’s sight, they haven’t yet drank his blood or eaten of his flesh; Jesus said, whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day. (St John 6:54) these are like filthy rags in God’s sight, thinking that their good works alone merits salvation; apart from Jesus there is no salvation possible. It will take the rooted grounded word of God to transform us into the likeness of Jesus, No man has the claim of being good, in fact, and Jesus didn’t call himself good.  We who are Gentiles have inherited this sin nature from Adam, and our bloodline which is the Gentile bloodline.

The beast nature must be changed and defeated by hearing the unadulterated truth of the word. Christ came to destroy the work of the devil, or the rather, the works of the beast nature.  Crucify the flesh, crucify the works of the beast nature or it will overcome us. The truth will bring out the beast nature that is in us, yes we have trained ourselves in sin for so long and it is not so easy to change overnight because that nature is in us. Sound doctrine, sound teaching of the meat of the word; the truth will make us free from the bondage of sin and it desires.

There is something wrong when you have so many pastors with thousands of members, and none of the members are living right; it’s because of a lack of speaking the truth.  Many are so bent on preaching a prosperity gospel, a watered down, sugar coated gospel whereby leaving some truths out of their sermons, and teaching that great gain is godliness.  They hardly ever touch up on the subject of holiness, they tell you God wants you rich, but the bible says to upload as the last option.  Tell the people the truth of this gospel, and when you tell them the unadulterated truth it shall in return them that hear it free from the curse of this beast nature, from bondage, lesbism, homosexuality, murders, drunkenness, and all manner of sin.  To be made free means you don’t go back into bondage, but rather you have taken on the nature of Christ which is a holy nature.

In Christ we are partakers of his divine nature, yes the corrupt nature can be changed into his holy nature.  This is not something that can be achieved overnight, but it is a process over a course of time and steady practice through godly living and practices.

Romans 7:16

16 If then I do that which I would not, I consent unto the law that it is good.

17 Now then it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.

18 For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.

What Paul is telling us is that the law of sin (the beast nature)

Is something we have to deal with because it is in our nature, and no matter how we tend to fight this nature it will still reveal itself in us?

We will find at times ourselves fighting against this nature and in return wrestle with the spirit nature and the sin nature until we master this nature when we are mature in the word and become born again.

How can we say that we are good, or how can we say anything is good in our flesh nature? The only one who is good on this earth is the Spirit of God, and if we don’t possess the spirit of God then we are not righteous in God’s sight.

The beast nature is that of pride, arrogance, self will, deceit, envy, jealously, hatred, murder, immorality, lust and the like.  Overcome this nature with the love of Christ which will constrain us to obey him, overcome this nature with the word of God which will make us free, overcome this nature with diligence of praise and worship, with fellowship, with determination and respect of the true God Jesus Christ. If we don’t overcome this nature we know where we will end up, surely, all sin will end up in the lake, for sin is of that wicked one the devil and his nature is to sin and cause others to sin against God. 
