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Sunday, September 20, 2015

The Vanity of youth 2

Vanity of Youth Part 2
Ecclesiastes 12:1
Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;
To all the young youth who are attentive to these words: God is saying in his word to remember him in your youth before the evil days come, for they will surely come some day, but you do not know when it will come.  I’m here to tell you that there is hope.  Someone may have told you that there is no more hope for you, but as long as there is breath in your nostrils and the blood is running warm in your veins, there is still hope.  When I was a young youth, I was told that I had no more hope; I was foolish to believe such deception from the enemy.  Of a surety, God turned things around for me, he gave me a new hope, a new zeal, a new dream, and I’m a living witness.
Romans 8:24
24 For we are saved by hope: but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for?
Yes, we are saved by hope, but what hope is the word talking about?
Some are hoping to get out of school and get a new car, others are hoping to buy a new house, while many are hoping to get a good paying job, but that’s is not the hope it’s talking about.  If you want a new car you can get a job and buy one, also, if you want a new house, well the same principle do apply.  You can see a car; you can also see a house, but, why hope for what you can see? Jesus is all the hope we need because we can’t see him, yet we are hoping to someday see his face.
If you hope in Jesus, when you lose your life in this life you can gain it in the next life.
Ecclesiastes 1:14
14. I have seen all the works that are done under the sun; and, behold, all is vanity and vexation of spirit. 
In life, many young people live violent lifestyles, turning against their parents, they have began selling drugs and buying it as a way to escape life difficulties.  Without the right direction and guidance, some end up in prison, others turn out as alcoholics, some rapist, some murderers, others robbers and thieves.  This is just the vanity of youth working its way in the homes of lawyers, teachers, and doctors and so on. It’s not God’s will that the youths end up this way, it’s God’s will that the children come into his loving arms and they desperately stand in line for prayer. Young people, if there is ever a time that you need prayer it’s now, you need the Spirit of God working within you to overcome in this life, to gain control over self and sin, to abstain from the pollutions of this world. You also need the word of God to resist the wiles of the devil, to overcome life’s difficult situations, to overcome temptations from drugs, alcohol, unmarried sex, and everything that the devil tries to offer you.
You will realize that the devil comes after you more than he does the grownups, so, he is clever as luring you as live bait into his traps.  But the harder he tries to trick or lure you away from God, the quicker you better try to serve God.
God will give you a future and a hope if you would just look to him, serve him even while you’re in the vanity of your youth. 
And yes, he is able to provide for you, he will lead you, he will guide you, he will protect you, and he will take you through the storm.  If the world doesn’t seem to care, God cares for you.  If it seems that your friends don’t understand you, God knows and understands you, yes, he knows all about you.  Put your trust and hope in God, and let God use you as yielded vessels.  Oh, you’re not too young, not too little, not too small, God is a big God, he’s so wide you can’t go around him, he’s so high you can’t go above him, he is so low you can’t go under him, he’s your all in all, your everything.
Trust in the Lord today and he will be your strength, your provider, your shield, your protection, your healer, your deliverer, your fortress; a father when you have no father, a brother when you have no brother, your friend when you have no friends, your way maker and mind regulator. You have to pray daily, get under the anointing daily.  The devil doesn’t care how young you are, he is looking to ruin your lives and take your precious souls.  When you’re behind on your grades, call on Jesus, if you have need of knowledge, then try Jesus, he has knowledge to give; need wisdom? God got it to give, he will make a way out of no way.
So many young youths feel as though they’ve got a whole life ahead of them, so many are saying that they’ll wait until they get older to serve the Lord, they are saying that they are only youths. 
Lamentations 3:25-27 (Holy Bible KJV)
25. The LORD is good unto them that wait for him, to the soul that seeketh him.
    26.  It is good that a man should both hope and quietly wait for the salvation of the LORD.
 27.  It is good for a man that he bear the yoke in his youth.
When you wait until you get older it will be much harder to serve the Lord, because when you train yourselves in sin for so long, it will be much harder to train yourselves out of that wrongdoing.  Do you want to get set in your ways? oh, it is much easier to bend a tree when it is young and tender than to bend it when it gets old.  Who promise you tomorrow? These days are evil; the world grows dimmer and cloudier at each passing moment. When you bear the yoke in your youth it’s easier to go through when you get older, the yoke is a figuration of suffering.  If you want God to be good to you in your youth then seek him early in your lives with all of your heart, mind and soul; find out what purpose he has for your lives.  Wait for his salvation, hope in it because you can’t see it and yet you hope for it.  Are you willing to suffer when you’re young? His burden is light and his yoke is easy, he will carry his lambs in his arms and protect them from the wolf.  Turn not away from the line of obedience, walk in all the ways of the Lord, keeping his word that you may live long and prolong days, and they are very short now.
There are many temptations aimed at the youths to turn away from keeping God’s word, therefore; you must keep on the path of righteousness not turning to the left or right. So many manifold temptations to see how many boyfriends or girlfriends you can go through; you’re going through so many boyfriends or girlfriends and you then cherish iniquity in your flesh. Do you know that God already have a husband or wife ordained for your life? So many are having babies out of wedlock, some don’t know who the baby daddies are, well then they go on Jerry Springer to find out who the daddy is.  So many are telling their parents that they are doing good In school, but when their parents get their report cards in the mail and find out that they have flunk all their courses.  Stop lying to your parents, they are put here to help and guide you in life; you don’t have to lie to your parents, they are a reflection to you, and you are a reflection of them.  Yeah, tell one lie and you will have to cover up another lie.  Deception will get you further into trouble; even cheating on your school work is not right.
Do you know who close to the return of Jesus is? The enemy will tell you that you have so much time left; hey, he has lied to you, he is just a liar and the truth is not in him, he tells you half truth.  Remember Eve? The serpent threw her a curve, he told her half truth, it was a lie, he is a liar and the truth is not in him, he will get you to compromise with God’s word.  Don’t listen to him at all, he will talk to your mind, but the Holy Ghost will talk to your heart, your inner person, your inward witness.  The enemy will tell you it is OK to get drunk sometimes, he will it’s OK to have sex out of wedlock sometimes, you know that it is all lies, it is not true, it is compromises, all lies, all lies, and no truth to it.  Search the word and it will tell you that it is wrong doing, his commandments are certain, just and holy; they have not changed, it will never change, his word is true, it is unchangeable, God cannot change, nor can he ever lie.
You are commissioned to keeping these commandments, follow them, keep them close to your heart.
Ephesians 6:1
       1 Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right.
   2 Honor thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;
 3 That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth.
Obey your parents in the Lord, this will include your pastors, parents, teachers and so on if they are leading you right and are following the Lord. Do you know that disobedience to your parents will cut your time in this life short? When you obey your parents you are obeying the Lord who is the head of your parents and of the church. Consider yourself in the Lord and do what is right in his sight, for he sees all and is aware of all things, and this will include all of your thoughts and intentions.
Who loves you more than the Lord does? His love for us is unconditional, his love cannot be measured in words; in fact, he loves us so much that he laid down his life for us that we may have the right to the tree of life. What love is? God is love, God is the source of love, love is from God, and we learn how to love by abiding in God’s love.  Without Jesus we do not have the love of God only his wrath, so when we abide in Christ the love of God abides in us and we are perfected in love.  Little children, young youth, little lambs, don’t be persuaded by the wolf when you hear him howl, he can’t even bite without first getting permission from the Father. He prowls around seeking some little lamb to devour; don’t stay to yourselves, stay close to the sheepfold, he fears the company of the sheep, because he is a coward and only strikes when you are alone.  Woe to him who is alone, you know that a threefold cord cannot be easily broken, two of you and Jesus, who can go wrong?

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